Your relationship is not lost, BUT you have to take action
The more you wait, the worst it gets
(614) 368-6311
Group therapy is a gathering of people, often dealing with similar issues, who meet together regularly under the leadership of trained therapists. While you might think group therapy is only for issues like alcoholism, in fact it is used to treat virtually all mental health issues that individual therapy treats.
We can help!
Family First Counseling Center
Counseling To Empower!
Find the purpose in your life
Pursue your dreams
 Never stop trying
Take your life back
Stop wasting time
Groups typically consist of anywhere from five to 15 people led by one or two therapists and meet for an hour or two each week. Many groups are geared toward specific issues, such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, while others focus on helping people deal with a variety of issues like anger or low self-esteem. Still others consist of individuals who are all going through a similar experience like loss of a loved one or divorce.
We can help you!
(614) 368-6311